How to Get Started

This is Simple, Scalable and Ready for you to Start.
  • Phase 1 – Packing, Loading – Release
    • Depending on the size of your facility and the throughput here is an example of what is required.

Please Note: While Decontamination is the start of the Sterilization Quality Process, we cannot get to this point until we gain full compliance in packing through to parametric release – we therefore start the system implementation at “Packing / Loading / Release”

Step One – Label your trays.
  • For this to happen you need a minimum of all your tray names and Qty of each tray (See Data requirement Below)
  • This can be either just your tray list or your complete count sheet list if you are able to get this from an existing system report or output

Step Two – Purchase and Install (See Pricing herein)
  • Label Printers (recommend min x 2 for redundancy)
    • Ask your IT Department to download to their support network the SurgiDat Printer Packet – this includes all info about Installation and support for Surgidat Serenity printers and Drivers Email :
  • Report Printer
  • Barcode Scanners
  1. (This assumes you can arrange for PC’s and a Laser Printer from  your own IT Services team) – try to have one PC per workstation
  2. Label printers can be shared between 2- 3 workstations depending on proximity to each other
  3. For larger facilities allow for a dedicated PC with Wireless scanner for Loading and release in proximity to the sterilizers
Step Three
  1. Create your SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) for how you are going to start the system off
  2. This will become the basis of your training and staff competency documentation
Step Four
  1. Setup your Sterilizers and Users in SurgiDat Serenity
  2. Complete Staff Competency Run through/s
  3. Go Live
Creating a Process Bible
  1. For every action or process – start building a Process Bible
  2. Add into it all SOP’s for new Instruments, Sterilization methods, Packing process
  3. Make it bullet point and simple to follow click by click
  • SurgiDat uses a self training methodology – We need a super user in each area of the process
  • We then help build SOP’s (Standard Operating Procedures) that every staff member must run through 4 times
  • This forms part of the competency documentation for that staff member