This is Simple, Scalable and Ready for you to Start.
- Phase 1 – Packing, Loading – Release
- Depending on the size of your facility and the throughput here is an example of what is required.
Please Note: While Decontamination is the start of the Sterilization Quality Process, we cannot get to this point until we gain full compliance in packing through to parametric release – we therefore start the system implementation at “Packing / Loading / Release”
Step One – Label your trays.
- For this to happen you need a minimum of all your tray names and Qty of each tray (See Data requirement Below)
- This can be either just your tray list or your complete count sheet list if you are able to get this from an existing system report or output
Step Two – Purchase and Install (See Pricing herein)
- Label Printers (recommend min x 2 for redundancy)
- Ask your IT Department to download to their support network the SurgiDat Printer Packet – this includes all info about Installation and support for Surgidat Serenity printers and Drivers Email :
- Report Printer
- Barcode Scanners
- (This assumes you can arrange for PC’s and a Laser Printer from your own IT Services team) – try to have one PC per workstation
- Label printers can be shared between 2- 3 workstations depending on proximity to each other
- For larger facilities allow for a dedicated PC with Wireless scanner for Loading and release in proximity to the sterilizers
Step Three
- Create your SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) for how you are going to start the system off
- This will become the basis of your training and staff competency documentation
Step Four
- Setup your Sterilizers and Users in SurgiDat Serenity
- Complete Staff Competency Run through/s
- Go Live
Creating a Process Bible
- For every action or process – start building a Process Bible
- Add into it all SOP’s for new Instruments, Sterilization methods, Packing process
- Make it bullet point and simple to follow click by click
- SurgiDat uses a self training methodology – We need a super user in each area of the process
- We then help build SOP’s (Standard Operating Procedures) that every staff member must run through 4 times
- This forms part of the competency documentation for that staff member